TW 7400 Autosampler SI Analytics Germany

SI Analytics TW 7400 Autosampler

Call: 01715 130348

Model: 7400
Brand: SI Analytics Germany
Country of Origin: Germany



SI Analytics TW 7400 X/Y Sample Changer for piston burettes and automatic titrators, particularly suitable for large sample demands.


  • Sample racks with 42, 48 and 72 positions and four different titration heads in different dimensions and holes can be used.
  • The titration heads and sample tracks are interchangeable
  • The usable sample vessels have a volume of 50 – 250 ml
  • For rinsing the electrodes and titration tips, a rinsing pump can be used.
  • The calibration of a pH electrode can also be done on the sample changer.
  • Stirring is only possible from above with a rod stirrer (propeller stirrer).The rod stirrer TZ 1847 is included in the scope of delivery of the
  • TW7400 and TL 7000-TW 7400 modules

The number of samples to be processed is growing constantly while at the same time the demands on reliability are increasing in accordance with GLP and ISO 900X standards. The SI Analytics TW 7400 sample changer helps you meet these increased requirements and relieve qualified employees from routine work. The x / y sample changer TW 7400 is particularly suitable for large number of samples.

The control of the sample changer is carried out via the software TitriSoft.

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