Microwave Digestion 8300 PG Instruments UK

Call: 01715 130348
Microwave Digestion
Brand: PG Instruments
Model: 8300
Country of Origin: UK


Micro-Wave Digestion Model Range 8300

Our model 8300 range offers a sample capacity available up to 50 samples with a user selectable  Microwave Power of up to 3000 watts. The PG Instruments 8300 range of Microwave Digestion systems offers sample preparation of  TWELVE and EIGHTEEN Samples each of up 100ml at one time, AND 50ml with a user selectable power of up to 3000 Watts for 40 and 50 samples.

The 8300 range of Microwave Digestion instruments has the following part numbers:

  • 8300-8312 for the preparation of up to TWELVE samples at one time.
  • 8300-8318 for the preparation of up to EIGHTEENsamples at one time.
  • 8300-8340 for the preparation of up to FORTY samples at one time.
  • 8300-8350 for the preparation of up to FIFTYsamples at one time.

The 8300 range has been specifically developed for use with Atomic Absorption Spectrometers, Inductively Coupled Plasma OES and ICP-MS, Flame Photometers, UV Visible Spectrophotometers, Atomic Fluorescence, XRF to name but a few, for fast and easy sample preparation.

The 8300 range of Microwave Digestion Systems are simple to use, user friendly, have an Administration mode, 10 pre-set analytical programs for samples such as foods, waters, agricultural products, medicines, soils, sediments, oils, biological and botanical materials and a further 255 programs for the chemist to use for his own samples.

The method of Micro-Wave Digestion is the very versatile and has been well proven. It allows variations in reagents and methodology, making it ideal for a variety of matrices and elements. The variability of this method also requires a basic understanding of digestion chemistry.

Benefits of Microwave Assisted Digestion
  • Cleanliness of preparation environment
  • Reproducible digestion,
  • Improved QA/QC
  • Reduces skill level as a factor
  • Greatly reduces preparation time


Number of Samples 12, 18, 40 and 50
Chamber Round Oven Chamber Design
Maximum Sample Volume 100ml for 8312 and 8318 models and 50ml for 8340 and 8350 models.
Pressure Control All Vessels Controlled
Pressure Measurement Full Scanning
Pressure Monitoring Contactless Optical Fibre Monitoring
Temperature Control All Vessels Controlled
Temperature Measurement Contactless IR Sensor Monitoring
Vessel material Inner Vessel Teflon, Outer Vessel Composite Peak
Maximum Working Pressure 5 MPa
Maximum Working Temperature 250°C
Temperature Range 50 – 400°C. Accuracy ±0.3°C.
Chamber Volume 60 Litres for 8312 and 8318 and 70 litres for 8340 and 8350
Display 8 inch Remote Colour Screen
Pressure Control Range 0 – 60 Bar
Pessure Control Accuracy ±0.01MPa ).1Kg/cm2
Microwave Power 2000W (0 – 2000W Adjustable) for models 8312 and 3000W (0-3000W Adjustable) for models 8318, 8340 and 8350.
Microwave Frequency 2450MHz
Rotation Mode One Direction 360° Continuous Rotation
Microwave Leakage <5Mw/cm2

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